
Contact information

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You can find the contact details of the courts, tribunals and special colleges in this list. The telephone number is a general number. You can ask to be put through to the appropriate department or person. For each location, the visiting address of the court is also given. The visiting address is not the postal address. You can also give us a call first.


Do you want to send documents to the court by e-mail? You can only do this via Zivver's Secure Mail. When you click on an e-mail address, the Zivver window opens. You can choose the language in the top right-hand corner. Then follow the instructions on the screen.

 District courts

>Alles uitklappen

Courts of appeal

Amsterdam Court of Appeal

Telephone number:
  • +31 88 361 11 10

's-Hertogenbosch Court of Appeal

Telephone number:
  • +31 88 362 20 00

The Hague Court of Appeal

Telephone number:
  • +31 88 362 23 33

Arnhem-Leeuwarden Court of Appeal

Telephone number:
  • +31 88 361 81 81

Special administrative courts

Central Appeals Tribunal

Telephone number:
  • +31 88 362 11 11
E-mail address:

Administrative High Court for Trade and Industry