
Archive of

This is a print of a page on Look for the most up-to-date information on ( This page is printed on 01-01-1970.

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Web archive

For records, pages and other information that once was published on, you can visit the online archive ( A copy of is made each day. You can go back as far as 25 July 2019. You can find the English archive in the footer under ‘English’.


How the web archive works

You can use the web archive in 2 ways:

  • By selecting a date on the calendar (in the grey bar on the left of the screen) you can navigate through the site as it was on a specific day in the past. Pay attention that sometimes links on the pages won’t work in the web archive.
  • You can search through the site via the search field (under the calendar). The search fields on does not function in the web archive.


About the archive

The obligation to archive government websites arises from the Archives Act. For more information, read the guideline archiving government websites (