
General information

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The Judiciary System in the Netherlands (2010)

Contains information on the court system, the Council for the Judiciary as well as a number of articles on selected topics, such as the press, the patent chamber and uniformity in the administration of justice.

Press judge profile

Court cases can attract a great deal of media attention. Therefore the Judiciary has appointed a number of press judges who act as a spokesperson and communicate with the media about individual cases being handled by the court. The document describes the function and purpose in more detail.

Reform of the Judicial Map (2013)

On the 1st of January 2013, the Netherlands Judiciary reformed its judicial map. Seeing as the previous map dated from the times of Napoleon, it was necessary to update the map in order to meet the needs of society in the 21st century.


The Press Guidelines (2013)

These guidelines inform journalists about the cooperation that they can expect from the judges and the courts before, during and after a trial. Journalists are expected to abide by these guidelines.

The Financing System of the Netherlands Judiciary (2013)

In this brochure, the unique financing system of the Netherlands Judiciary is explained. The system is characterised by a staggered system and output-based funding.

Matters of Principle (2012)

This comprehensive guide was established in cooperation with Judges for Judges (Rechters voor rechters) and contains the national and international codes of integrity the judge abides by.


Eurinfra: Reinforcing the knowledge of European Law within the Dutch Judiciary/le renforcement de connaissance du droit européen au sein de la magistrature néerlandaise (2008)

In 2000, the Eurinfra project was launched in order to reinforce the knowledge of European law within the Dutch judiciary by improving the accessibility of European law information resources using web technology, improving the knowledge of European law amongst the Dutch judiciary and setting up and maintaining a network of court coordinators for European law. This brochure contains information on the background of the Eurinfra project, its organisation, the action taken and the results achieved so far, the financial aspects involved as well as the expansion of Eurinfra.

Eurinfra: Le renforcement de connaissance du droit européen au sein de la magistrature néerlandaise

En 2000, le projet Eurinfra a été lancé en vue de renforcer la connaissance du droit européen dans le système judiciaire néerlandais par l'amélioration de l'accessibilité des sources de connaissances de droit européen à l’aide des technologies Internet, l'amélioration du niveau de connaissance du droit européen de la magistrature néerlandaise et la mise en place et le maintien d'un réseau de coordinateurs des tribunaux spécialistes du droit européen. Cette brochure contient des informations sur l'historique du projet Eurinfra, son organisation, les mesures prises et les résultats obtenus jusqu'à présent, les aspects financiers, ainsi que l'expansion d’Eurinfra.



Agenda for the Judiciary 2008-2011 (2008)

In the 2008-2011 Agenda for the Judiciary, the court boards and the Council for the Judiciary have formulated a number of policy priorities for 2008-2011. The four main targets for the coming period are: an expert Judiciary, a reliable judiciary system, an effective Judiciary and a judicial system anchored in society.

Mission, vision and agenda of The Netherlands Judiciary 

The mission statement reflects what the Judiciary stands for and, in principle, it is timeless.

The vision sets out what the Judiciary is aiming for; it is our image of a successful future, one that focuses on 2030.

The Agenda of the Judiciary is based on its mission and vision. It sets the goals that the Judiciary wants to achieve in the coming three to five years, on the path to achieving the ambitions set out in its vision.

Adopted by the Presidents of the Courts and the Council for the Judiciary on 25 January 2021.