The district court initiates the procedure to appoint a guardian on its own initiative (ex officio), since the situation cannot remain as it is. A guardian must be appointed for a minor child.
Notification of death
If a parent dies and leaves behind one or more minor children, the registrar of births, marriages and deaths informs the district court of this.
Investigating parental authority
The district court checks the gezagsregister (Parental Authority Register) to determine whether the child is still under the parental authority of another parent. If that is not the case, the district court checks:
- whether a guardian has been designated;
- whether there is another parent who does not have parental authority
Seeking a solution
Is there no one who has legal parental authority over the child? In that case, the district court will ask the Raad voor de Kinderbescherming (Child Care and Protection Board) (in Dutch) ( to investigate.
The Raad voor de Kinderbescherming contacts the parties directly involved (uncles, aunts, grandparents) to discuss the situation.
In consultation with the family, the Raad voor de Kinderbescherming suggests who could be appointed as the guardian. This does not always have to be a natural person, but may also be a legal entity (guardianship institution).
No one is forced to accept appointment as guardian. If the guardian is willing to accept the appointment, they must submit a declaration of willingness to the registry of the district court. The guardianship begins as soon as the guardian has made the declaration of guardianship.
If the guardian refuses the appointment, the judge may summon all the parties involved to attend a hearing. See step 2.