All hearings are public, unless the court directs otherwise. Members of the press are welcome to attend, but must comply with
the Press Guidelines.
Upcoming hearings are published on our Hearing List. To get instant updates on new hearings, please use a Website Monitoring Tool.
Under Dutch law, the case file is confidential. Therefore, the case file is not available for inspection by anyone other than the parties themselves. This includes journalists. The Press Guidelines provide for one exception only (in civil cases): initiating documents in summary proceedings are available for inspection at the courthouse, provided the journalist requests and obtains special permission from the court.
Under the Press Guidelines special permission is also required for making audio-visual recordings in the courtroom.
Permission may be requested by completing the Press Facilities Form (pdf, 621.7 KB) and sending it to at least 24 hours before the start of the hearing.
Judgments of interest are published on in a redacted form. Links to these judgments are available on our Judgment List.
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Any questions on the NCC Press Policy may be sent by email to NCC spokespersons (Press Officers, Amsterdam Court of Appeal / NCC) may also be contacted by phone on: +31 88 361 36 61 / +31 6 22 48 74 96 (Ms A.H. Zandbergen)
+31 6 25 76 81 69 (Ms. M. Zijlstra).
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