What browser can I use to access eNCC?
To optimise your eNCC experience, we recommend using the latest version of any common browser. eNCC works in Internet Explorer version 10.0 and higher, and in the current and previous versions of Edge, Firefox, Safari and Chrome. Chrome is supported on the Android operating system version 6.0 and higher.
What types of files can I send in eNCC?
Only pdf extension documents. To keep information secure and facilitate electronic archiving, eNCC converts documents you submit to pdf/a format.
What is the maximum size of files that I can send in eNCC?
The maximum size for each file is 15 MB. If you’re scanning a document and you end up with a file that’s larger than 15 MB, check your scanner settings as you can usually adjust the size.
What information does the court record when I use eNCC?
Information security events and user activity are recorded in audit log files. See the Central Government’s Information Security Baseline and Article 2 of the Digitization of Civil and Administrative Law Decree of 13 July 2016 (Stb 2016, 292).
Does eNCC store cookies on my computer when I use it?
Yes. Information is available on the Cookies page.
What are the updated naming conventions for exhibits and documents uploaded from another court, after the December 2018 and July 2021 updates?
December 2018 update.
The updated naming convention for exhibits is:
ABCD-1234[space][free text up to 50 characters]
(four letters indicating the submitting party's name, dash, four numbers indicating the exhibit number, space, free text up to 50 characters).
This updates and modifies article 4, 3.2, eNCC Rules, Annex IV to the NCC Rules, Stcrt. 2018, 71572, 20 December 2018.
To fill the free text space, name your PDF file before uploading. eNCC will automatically use your PDF file name to fill the free text space.
July 2021 update.
The updated naming convention for documents uploaded from another court is: YYYYMMDD[space][free text up to 50 characters]
(four letters indicating the year, two numbers indicating the month, two numbers indicating the day, space, free text up to 50 characters).
This updates and modifies article 4, 3.2, eNCC Rules, Annex IV to the NCC Rules.
To fill the free text space, name your PDF file before uploading. eNCC will automatically use your PDF file name to fill the free text space.
The “other court” may, for example, be a lower court or a referring court.
To make this upload easier, please see the note below on downloading files from eNCC.
You can download files from the Case File tab, the Exhibits tab, the Referring Court tab or the Lower Court tab. To do this, please use the “Download files” button in the lower part of the screen.
Any files you download from the Case File tab using the “Download files” button will automatically generate a new name using this convention: YYYYMMDD [text from the Subject column in eNCC]. (The date is the date the document was received by eNCC. Characters not allowed in file names are removed.) You can upload these files to the Lower Court or Referring Court tab. This is an easy way to submit the District Court case file to the Lower Court tab in an NCC Court of Appeal case.
Any files you download from the Exhibits tab, the Referring Court tab or the Lower Court tab using the “Download files” button will automatically generate a name identical to the file name (File name column) in eNCC. This name will not include any notes in the Notes column in eNCC. After downloading, you can upload to the equivalent tab (exhibits to the Exhibits tab, etc.) in a separate case in eNCC, such as an appeal case.
If you no longer have eNCC portal access (portal access is withdrawn six months after the case is closed), please contact the Registry.
If you encounter any issues with these topics, please contact the Registry. We continue to improve eNCC features as cases are dealt with and experience suggests new solutions.