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This is a print of a page on Rechtspraak.nl. Look for the most up-to-date information on Rechtspraak.nl (http://www.rechtspraak.nl). This page is printed on 01-01-1970.
As a parent you can apply to the district court to appoint a guardian for your minor child and have this recorded in the gezagsregister (Parental Authority Register). This is a procedure in civil law. You can submit your application digitally (for free) or in writing.
Would you like to appoint a guardian? You can have this recorded in your will or in the gezagsregister. Have you done both? Then the most recent appointment applies.
You can appoint a guardian in two ways:
You will need your child's Burgerservicenummer (citizen service number), and you must log in with your DigiD.
Fill in the form and send it to the district court, together with the necessary documents. Choose the district court that has your place of residence in its jurisdiction.
Necessary documents when appointing a guardian in writing:
The district court will process your digital or written form. You will receive an extract from the gezagsregister within 2 weeks. The extract will show the name of the guardian who will take over parental authority after your death.
A digital application is free of charge. When submitting a written request, you must include various documents that you can request from your municipality. There are costs associated with this. The amount varies depending on the municipality.
The district court will process your ‘Voogd aanwijzen’ (‘Appoint a guardian’) form. You will receive an extract from the gezagsregister within 2 weeks.
Yes, you can. Both parents may designate a guardian independently of one another. If the parents die at the same time, the judge will decide who becomes the guardian.
The judge will only appoint a guardian if the parents have not done this themselves or if the designated guardian cannot or will not perform their child custody duties.
For child custody of minor children from the Caribbean part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, you do not need to go to court. The procedure is dealt with by the Raad voor de Kinderbescherming.
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