
Compensation from the government

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If you have damage as a result of a so-called unlawful decision by the government (administrative body) and do not agree with the compensation, you can start proceedings before the administrative court, the civil court or the district court.


Lawful and unlawful

You can go to the administrative court or the civil court to ask the government to give you compensation if the decision is:

  • lawful; then you can get 'nadeelcompensatie' (compensation for loss resulting from administrative acts)
  • unlawful; then you can get compensation

The next part of this page is only about getting compensation because of an unlawful decision. You may need a lawyer, depending on the kind of case.


Administrative case to get compensation from the government

If you have problems because of an administrative body’s unlawful decision, you must first ask the administrative body for compensation. If the administrative body does not give you compensation, or if they do not respond within 8 weeks, you can ask the judge to award compensation.

You can start this procedure both while you are appealing against the decision that caused you problems and after your appeal has ended.

Legal advice

Would you like personal advice on your situation? Do you need assistance with drafting documents or during the hearing? You have the option at all times to engage the services of a lawyer or other legal advisor.

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