
Videos NCC webinar

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Videos NCC webinar 13 November 2024

On 13 November 2024, the Netherlands Commercial Court held a webinar on the various options for dispute resolution, titled: "Jurisdiction clauses: how to escape from the jungle of infinite possibilities?". Lawyers from all over the world attended the webinar.

The webinar speakers (for their bios see the invitation) were:

  • Professor Dr. Kramer (Erasmus School of Law and Utrecht University)
  • Professor Dr. Krzeminski (University of Amsterdam School of Law & partner at NautaDutilh)
  • Judge Bom (President NCC District Court)
  • Judge Oranje (President NCC Court of Appeal).

The webinar was moderated by Ms Borrius (Partner at Florent law firm).

From left to right: Professor Kramer, Professor Krzeminski, Judge Bom, Judge Oranje, Mr Visser (NCC Registrar and chat-moderator) and Ms Borrius (webinar moderator)


1. Various forms of dispute resolution – relevant factors

2. Costs and speed in court litigation and arbitration


3. Choosing a court – relevant factors

4. Enforcement of a judgment –exclusive and non-exclusive choice of court clauses


5. Restrictions on a choice of court

6. Choice of law and application of foreign law


7. Features of the Netherlands Commercial Court

8. NCC and foreign counsel


9. NCC and confidential documents

10. NCC and court record of witness examinations


11. NCC and the application of English law

12. The Netherlands Commercial Court - the first five years


13. The future of the Netherlands Commercial Court