
Class action workshops IBA Annual Litigation Forum

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Amsterdam , 19 April 2024

NCC hosted the class action workshops organised by the International Bar Association. 345 Litigation lawyers from all over the world came to the Court building in Amsterdam.

They were welcomed by Eveline de Greeve, President of the Amsterdam Court of Appeal, and Duco Oranje, President of the Netherlands Commercial Court of Appeal.


Eveline de Greeve, President of the Amsterdam Court of Appeal

In her speech, Eveline de Greeve noted that the Court building was actually built on a piece of reclaimed land (in Dutch: “a polder"). The Dutch also have a verb for it, 'poldering', and this 'poldering', which is the pragmatic collaboration needed to reclaim land from the sea, is often used as a metaphor for the typical Dutch tradition of negotiation and compromise. “And though it may not be the first thing that comes to mind in relation to the judiciary, we believe that even in the most contentious legal disputes, a bit of 'poldering' is sometimes necessary to achieve a resolution."

Dutch history of promoting international trade by promoting international law

Duco Oranje, President of the Netherlands Commercial Court of Appeal

Duco Oranje pointed out in his speech that the Dutch have a history of promoting international trade by promoting international law. Hugo Grotius in 1625 wrote “De iure belli ac pacis", the basis of all public international law. The  Hague Conferences of 1899 and 1907 provided the basic international treaties of international peace. In 1992, the Netherlands modernised its entire Civil Code which has been an example for other countries to this day. The next step was opening the Dutch courts for worldwide litigation by establishing an English-speaking court: the Netherlands Commercial Court. So far, the NCC dealt with a variety of cases: SPA's, distribution agreements, financial agreements, software agreements, and so on. Parties came from all over the world: Belgium, France, Germany, Poland, Greece, United States, United Kingdom, Singapore, Ireland, Malta, Philippines, Turkey, Russia and Switzerland.
