
International crimes cases

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Pending cases at the Court of First Instance

The following cases are pending at the Court of First Instance in The Hague.

Investigation Banning:
On December 11th, 2024, the District Court of The Hague sentenced Hasna A. to 10 years imprisonment. The court found A. guilty of enslavement, as a crime against humanity, of a Yazidi woman in Syria in 2015. In addition, she was convicted of participation in a terrorist organization (IS), enabling the commission of terrorist crimes and endangering a minor, her son. The verdict can be found here

Investigation Lech:
A 37-year-old man was arrested in January 2023 on suspicion of participating in the terrorist organizations IS and Jabhat al-Nusra. The man allegedly held a leadership role in IS's security service. He is suspected of participation in a terrorist organization and participation in a criminal organization aimed at committing international crimes. The investigation before the investigating judge is ongoing. The next pro forma hearing will take place on February 3, 2025.

Investigation Forney:
A 55-year-old man was arrested in October 2021 on suspicion of war crimes committed during the Interior War in Suriname. The investigation into the offenses is ongoing.

Investigation Shildon:
The investigation focuses on a 55-year old man who allegedly served as a head of the interrogation unit of the National Defense Force (NDF), a Syrian pro-regime militia, in 2013 and 2014. He is suspected of, while acting in that capacity, committing torture and the crimes against humanity of torture, sexual violence and rape. The investigation to the facts is ongoing. The next pro forma hearing will take place on January 17, 2025.

Investigation Ardech:
A 67-year-old man was arrested in October 2023 on suspicion of (co-) perpetrating genocide against the Tutsi people in April 1994 in the Mugina municipality, Rwanda. The investigation into the facts is ongoing. The next pro forma hearing will take place on September 10, 2024.

Investigation Desoto:
A 64-year-old man was arrested in February 2024 on suspicion of involvement in an attack and looting in Gatobotobo, Rwanda, during the 1994 genocide of the Tutsi's and moderate Hutus. The investigation into the facts is ongoing. The next pro forma hearing will take place on December 10, 2024.

Investigation Lincoln:
In 2024, a woman was arrested on suspicion of deploying her then 14-year old son to the forces of Islamic State as a child soldier, of abandoning a helpless person, participating in the  terrorist organization IS, committing preparatory acts of a crime with a terrorist intent, and removing children from the custody of their father. The investigation into the facts is ongoing. The next pro-forma hearing will take place on January 7, 2025. 

Pending cases in appeal at the Appellate Court of The Hague

On January 22, 2024, the District Court of The Hague sentenced Mustafa A. to 12 years in prison. The court found A. guilty of complicity in illegal arrest as a crime against humanity of victim 1, as well as complicity in the subsequent torture and torture (as a crime against humanity). In addition, A. was convicted of participation in the Liwa al-Quds criminal organization, which aims to commit war crimes (looting and physical assault) and crimes against humanity (arbitrary deprivation of liberty). The court reached an acquittal for torture, torture as a crime against humanity and illegal arrest of Victim 2 because, in the court's view, it was not established that A. was involved. An appeal has been filed against this verdict.

On April 26, 2024, The Hague District Court convicted Xaviera S. of participating in a terrorist organization, ISIS, preparing crimes with a terrorist intent and threatening two journalist with a terrorist crime. S. was acquitted of the war crime of pillaging. The Court sentenced her to a 860 days in prison, of which 720 days were suspended with five years' probation and 480 hours of community service. An appeal has been filed against this verdict.

Pending cases before the Supreme Court

On the 11th of September, 2024, the Hague Court of Appeal pronounced a verdict in the case Humble. The Court convicted the defendant, among other charges, of participating in a terrorist organization, ISIS, incitement to commit a terrorist offence. The woman was acquitted from the charge of the war crime of violating personal dignity, of which she was convicted by the District Court of The Hague. The woman was sentenced to 48 months in prison, and the Court ordered her placement in psychiatric care with mandatory treatment. The judgement was appealed in cassation.

On June 23, 2024, the Hague Court of Appeal acquitted Abdulrazaq R. of war crimes because the nexus requirement was not legally and convincingly proven. The Hague District Court earlier sentenced R. to 12 years in prison for war crimes committed in the period 1983-1987 at the Pul-e-Charki prison in Afghanistan.

In the Clermond investigation, cassation has been filed against the December 6, 2022 judgment of the Court of Appeal of The Hague (ECLI:NL:GHDHA:2022:2421). The Court of Appeal sentenced Ahmad A. to a prison term of 5 years and 4 months. The Court of Appeal declared proven that A. had participated in an organization namely Ahrar al-Sham with the aim of committing terrorist crimes. Unlike the District Court of The Hague (ECLI:NL:RBDHA:2021:3998) earlier, the Court of Appeal acquitted the accused of Article 6(1)(c) WIM, assault on personal dignity. The judgment was appealed in cassation.

On 22 November, 2023 an appeal in cassation has been lodged against the November 14, 2023 judgment of the Court of Appeal of The Hague (no English translation available at this time). The Court of Appeal sentenced the 52-year-old Syrian man to 23 years and 6 months in prison. The man, along with other combatants, executed a captured soldier of the Syrian Armed Forces in 2012. In addition, the Court proved that the man was the leader of a terrorist organization in 2012. The District Court of The Hague previously acquitted the defendant with respect to participation in a terrorist organization and sentenced the defendant to imprisonment for 20 years. 

 English translations of prior cases adjudicated by the District Court of the Hague by country

>Alles uitklappen
  • Hesamuddin A. - war crimes and torture

    H. was a high-ranking Afghan army general during the communist regime, serving as head of the military intelligence service and state secretary of the Ministry of State Security. He sought asylum in the Netherlands in 1992, but his application was rejected under Article 1F of the Refugee Convention due to suspected involvement in torture and war crimes. He was convicted of torture and the war crime of torture by the Court of Appeal in The Hague and sentenced to twelve years' imprisonment. This verdict was confirmed by the Supreme Court of the Netherlands in 2008.
    The District Court:
    Court of Appeals:
    Supreme Court:

    Habibullah J. – war crimes and torture

    J. served as the head of the interrogation department of the military intelligence service KhaD-e-Nezami under H.'s command from 1979 to 1989. In 1996, he sought asylum in the Netherlands, but his application was declined based on Article 1F of the Refugee Convention due to alleged involvement in war crimes. The Court of Appeal in The Hague found J. guilty of the war crime of torture and sentenced him to nine years' imprisonment. The Supreme Court of the Netherlands upheld this judgment in 2008.
    The District Court:
    Court of Appeals:
    Supreme Court:

    Abdullah F. – torture

    F. held the position of director of Department 2 within the Military Affairs Division of KhaD-e-Nezami. Subsequently, he was appointed as the governor of Kunduz province. Seeking asylum in the Netherlands in 1994, his application was denied under Article 1F of the Refugee Convention due to strong suspicions of his involvement in prisoner torture and permitting his subordinates to do so. In 2006, F. was arrested, yet he was acquitted of the charges related to prisoner torture and responsibility for subordinates' actions. This acquittal was upheld by the Court of Appeal in The Hague and confirmed by the Supreme Court of the Netherlands in 2011. Unfortunately, there is no English translation available of the judgment by the Supreme Court.
    The District Court:
    Court of Appeals:

  • Senad A. – extradition for war crimes

    On March 13, 2007, the Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina requested the extradition of Senad A. from the Netherlands for prosecution in Bosnia and Herzegovina for war crimes. A. was suspected by Bosnian authorities of having killed a prisoner of war while serving as a member of the so-called 'People's Defense of the Autonomous Province' during the 1993 war. On April 22, 2010, the District Court of The Hague declared A.'s extradition permissible. A. was subsequently sentenced to 8 years of imprisonment in Bosnia.

  • Sébastien N. – torture

    Sébastien N., once commander of the Garde Civile under Mobutu's regime, sought asylum in the Netherlands in 1998, but this was denied under Article 1F of the Convention on the Status of Refugees due to suspicions of his involvement in torture. Following receipt of the 1F file, a criminal inquiry began. Arrested on September 26, 2003, N. was found guilty on April 7, 2004, by the Rotterdam District Court for his role in torture during 1996, resulting in a two-and-a-half-year prison sentence.

  • Eshetu A.- war crimes

    On December 15, 2017, the District Court of The Hague sentenced Eshetu A. to life imprisonment. The court found A. guilty of violating international humanitarian law, including arbitrary deprivation of liberty, cruel and inhuman treatment of hundreds of individuals, and torture and killing of 75 persons. These crimes took place during the period of 'Red Terror' in Ethiopia in 1978 and the subsequent years. A. committed these crimes in his capacity as a representative of the Derg regime during the civil war that occurred between the military regime of the Derg and various opposition groups. This conviction was upheld by the Court of Appeal.

    The District Court:
    Court of Appeal:

  • Guus K. - war crimes and violation of the UN arms embargo

    Guus K. was suspected of involvement in international arms trade and participation in war crimes committed by Liberian forces or militias during the civil war in Liberia. In the first instance, K. was convicted for violating the UN-imposed sanctions legislation but acquitted of involvement in war crimes. On appeal, K. was acquitted of all charges by the Court of Appeals in The Hague. The Supreme Court overturned the Court of Appeals' verdict and referred the case to the Court of Appeals in 's-Hertogenbosch. The Court of Appeals in 's-Hertogenbosch found K. guilty of complicity in war crimes committed by the forces of Charles Taylor, as well as of violating the UN arms embargo. K. was sentenced to 19 years in prison.

    Judgment of the District Court:
    The Hague Court of Appeals:
    's Hertogenbosch Court of Appeals:
    Supreme Court:

  • Pierre Klaver K. – extradition for genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity

    Extradition request of the authorities of Rwanda for extradition of a wanted person for the purpose of prosecution for the involvement in the genocide in Rwanda. The District Court of The Hague declared the extradition inadmissible due to the risk of a flagrant denial of justice. The Public Prosecutor's Office filed an appeal in cassation against the verdict. On June 6, 2023, the Supreme Court rejected the appeal, stating that the District Court's judgment was not based on an incorrect legal interpretation and was adequately reasoned. Unfortunately, there is no English translation available of the judgment by the Supreme Court.

  • Thiruna E., Joseph M.J., Srirangan R., Ramachandran S., and Lingaratnam T. - participation in a criminal organization with a terrorist intent, war crimes, and crimes against humanity

    In this case, the accused were sentenced by the District Court of The Hague to prison terms of 5 and 6 years for participating in a criminal organization with a terrorist intent (LTTE - the organization of the Tamil Tigers). The LTTE's intent was also directed towards committing war crimes and crimes against humanity, among other objectives. On appeal, one of the accused was sentenced to a prison term of 4 years and 11 months. During the cassation procedure, the issue arose as to whether the accused, as members of the LTTE, could claim the status of 'combatant'. In such a case, they would have had the right to participate in the armed conflict against the state of Sri Lanka in the struggle for an independent Tamil state. The Supreme Court considered that the accused could not claim this combatant status as it is only granted to armed forces participating in an international armed conflict. The conflict in which the accused were involved in this case was classified as a non-international armed conflict. Unfortunately, there is no English translation available of the judgment by the Supreme Court.

  • Oussama A. - participation in a terrorist organization and war crimes

    On July 23, 2019, Oussama A. was sentenced in first instance to a prison term of 7 years and six months for participating in the terrorist organization Islamic State, preparing acts of terrorism, and committing the war crime of violating personal dignity. On appeal, the Court of Appeal in The Hague sentenced A. to a prison term of 6.5 years.


    Mustafa A. – illegal arrest and torture

    On January 22, 2024 Mustafa A. was sentenced to 12 yeas in prison by the Dutch District Court of The Hague.  A. was found guilty of complicity in illegal arrest as a crime against humanity of victim 1, as well as complicity in the subsequent torture and torture (as a crime against humanity). In addition, A. was convicted of participation in the Liwa al-Quds criminal organization, which aims to commit war crimes (looting and physical assault) and crimes against humanity (arbitrary deprivation of liberty). The verdict has been appealed. The pre-trial hearing will take place on August 15, 2024.


    Hasna A. – enslavement, participation in a terrorist organization and endangering a minor

    On December 11th, 2024, the District Court of The Hague sentenced Hasna A. to 10 years imprisonment. The court found A. guilty of enslavement, as a crime against humanity, of a Yazidi woman in Syria in 2015. In addition, she was convicted of participation in a terrorist organization (IS), enabling the commission of terrorist crimes and endangering a minor, her son.


For the full list of adjudicated cases see: Zaken internationale misdrijven (in Dutch)