
Jurisdiction clause for proceedings in English in maritime and transport cases

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Skip Navigation LinksRechtbank Rotterdam > Nieuws > Jurisdiction clause for proceedings in English in maritime and transport cases
Rotterdam, 02 april 2024

The Court of Rotterdam offers the possibility of conducting certain cases in the English language. This concerns cases involving maritime law, transport law and international sale of goods, which are decided by the Maritime Chamber. Often these cases involve international parties. By offering the possibility of conducting cases in English, the Court aims to provide better access to the Dutch court system to these parties. 

National Procedural Regulations

Conducting cases in the English language is subject to certain procedure rules. To better cater to the needs of international parties, a standard jurisdiction clause has been added to these Procedure Rules. Parties can use this clause to agree in writing to conduct proceedings in English before the Maritime Chamber. The Procedure Rules have also been updated following the implementation of the renewed National Procedural Regulations. 

English summaries

For the purpose of accessibility the Maritime Chamber also publishes English summaries of its internationally relevant decisions. In this way interested parties who do not speak Dutch may be informed about judicial developments.

The new version of the Procedure Rules can be found here (pdf, 143,9 KB).

Here is the Dutch version of this article.
